What’s for Dinner?

What’s for Dinner?

I am sure that every American asks this question, ‘What’s for dinner’? The bigger question, however, should be ‘How much is it going to cost’? As a child, my family went grocery shopping every Saturday morning and my mother knew exactly what we needed because...
Vacationing in 1970 Something

Vacationing in 1970 Something

Every generation is different, this is what I remember about vacationing in 1970 something. Airplanes When I was growing up in the 70s if you were going on vacation that meant you were taking a road trip.  Oh, there were airplanes but that was for emergencies,...
Entertaining a Burglar

Entertaining a Burglar

6-28-2106   Burglar be warned!  It was a summer day and I was working from home.  The house was clean, the beds were made, the sun was pouring in through the windows, and the bread pudding was bubbling in the crockpot. The world seemed bright and...
It Takes a Village

It Takes a Village

Going home is about becoming confident and self-reliant adults and how it takes a village to help you find yourself. The old adage “It takes a village to raise a child” rings true.  While our families hold the lead role in the village of our lives, the...