Preparing Parents
Our baby duck was accepted into the Disney College Program in 2015. In many ways, we felt like she was prepared for the experience; she loved Disney, lived away from home during college and worked a full-time job. My family considers Disney our home away from home and we had been to the parks dozens of times. As our daughter currently prepares to head out the door to participate in the program for the second time, however, I would like to share some things I wish I had known:
Disney contracts with a separate company to supply the bus system for college program participants. The bus routes include four housing areas, all the Disney parks and resorts, Walmart, and other Orlando destinations. The system is designed to transport thousands of kids to a myriad of destinations and is complex.
The students operate on a point system and if they are late for work, a point is issued against them. Although my daughter was always at the bus stop a full hour before her shift, there were several occasions when the buses were late due to breakdowns and or/traffic and she barely made it to work on time. This can create a stressful situation.
The Traditions classes offered during training are held at Disney University which is located near West Clock behind the Magic Kingdom. The rest of the classes are offered at the apartment complexes which makes it much easier to attend.
The Disney College Program offers amazing classroom experiences. Your student will need to register for these soon after receiving their acceptance letter.
Many factors can cause ill health during the college program such as plant and food allergies, mold from humidity, abnormal schedules, long work hours, sun exposure, ill guests, stress, and the dreaded homesickness! The health clinic at Disney is only for work-related injuries and does not cover sickness. Students who become ill will need to seek care from a walk-in clinic and are required to provide a doctor’s note if they miss a day of work. My daughter visited a local walk-in clinic which resulted in a prescription and a bill for over $350.00.
Medical Tips
• Schedule a physical with your family doctor before your student leaves. Explain the medical situation and ask for the availability of phone appointments.
• Verify insurance for the state of Florida.
• Send allergy medications and basic over-the-counter medicines with your student.
• Remind your student of good hygiene and health practices to avoid sickness.
• Locate the address and phone number of the walk-in clinic closest to your student’s housing assignment.
Each apartment building has full-time security guards. The students are allowed to come and go as they wish but are required to show their housing ID to enter. When parents visit, security guards will check their licenses and record entrances and exits. Students can meet parents at the gate.

I’m a storyteller, adventurer, and lifelong Disney fan who believes in making the most of every moment. Based in Branson, MO, I combine my love of imagination, exploration, and organization to inspire others to create magical memories and meaningful days.
As a children’s book author, I write stories celebrating family, creativity, and connection. I’m also passionate about time management and have developed tools and systems to help people stay organized while leaving room for adventure and fun—whether at home or in the parks.