This summer Disney released a new film version of a childhood favorite, Christopher Robin! This timeless classic is based on a story about Winnie-the-Pooh created by A.A. Milner and published in 1926.

Christopher Robin, Going Out The Door, Movie Review, Contest

“I always get to where I’m going by walking away from where I’ve been.”

I fell in love with the Winnie-the-Pooh stories when reading to my children in the early 80’s. Team Disney not only found a way to hang on to all that I love about that silly old bear but helped me find new meaning and understanding into the storyline. Pooh and friends always find a way to help others figure out who they are.


Christopher Robin, Going Out The Door, Movie Review, Contest

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An “Ex-Pooh-berant” Christopher Robin

Visually this film was amazing! The colors had a sun-faded tone that was relaxing and comfortable. Even though the film was very much English it had a Cape Cod feel. It was like being wrapped up in a blanket after a day in the sun.

Christopher Robin, Going Out The Door, Movie Review, Contest

Deep in the hundred acre wood

This was a huge accomplishment to turn an animated cartoon about a stuffed animal into a live action film that not only makes you believe the story but makes you go home and believe any of the stuffed animals could start talking! I was caught by surprise that during the film other characters could hear the animals talk and see them as being real. Before this point, in my mind, they were only alive in Christopher Robins imagination. Pooh is real!!!!

Christopher Robin, Going Out The Door, Movie Review, Contest

Just a Smackerel of Honey

My only disappointment was the music. At a few points in the movie if you are really paying attention they include some familiar soundtrack. “The Most Wonderful Thing About Tiggers” was included and of course was adorable. I just wanted a little more of the familiar sounds like, “I’m Just a Little Black Rain Cloud” or “The Rain, Rain, Rain Came Down, Down, Down”. But, the saving grace musically for me was a new song by the 90-year-old Disney legend Richard Sherman. It was AMAZING!!!!!

Christopher Robin, Going Out The Door, Movie Review, Contest

Oh, Bother!

Christopher Robin is all about the feels, bring tissues. It’s comfortable and mesmerizing and you will laugh while you cry or cry while you laugh. As much as I loved the movie, the best part for me was after the credits! You will want to own this movie!!


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